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I.  Purpose

This Resolving Academic Misconduct Allegations Procedure (“Procedure”) is established to implement the Anne Arundel Community College (“College”) Board of Trustee’s Academic Integrity Policy (“Policy”).

II.  Scope and Applicability

A. This Procedure applies to all Students, as defined below.

B. This Procedure does not apply to non-academic misconduct or student grievances, which will be investigated and resolved in accordance with the applicable policy and procedures.

C. This Procedure replaces and supersedes all prior versions of the College’s Academic Integrity Procedures. 

D. All allegations of violations of the Policy reported on or after the start date of the Fall 2023 term (“Effective Date”) will be investigated and decided in accordance with this Procedure.

III.  Definitions

A. All capitalized terms in this Procedure have the meanings provided in the Policy.

B. All other capitalized terms in this Procedure have the following meanings: 

1. Administrative Assistant is the Administrative Assistant to the Associate Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs or designee and can be contacted at

2. Advisor is an individual designated by the Respondent to assist them with any disciplinary proceeding regarding Academic Misconduct. 

3. AIRC is the Academic Integrity Review Committee, which is a standing committee of the Academic Forum.

4. AVPL is the Associate Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs.

5. Business Days is any day which is not a Saturday or Sunday or day that the College is closed, such as holidays, spring break, winter break, or other day that the College announces that it is closed.

6. Co-Chairs are the Co-Chairs of the AIRC.

7. College Representative is one (1) or more College employees who are appointed by the AVPL to conduct Investigations and present the evidence of Academic Misconduct at a Hearing.

8. Conference is an initial meeting between the Coordinator, Respondent, and Faculty Member to discuss the allegations of Academic Misconduct and the Policy and accompanying Procedures.

9. Coordinator is a member of AIRC who is appointed by one of the Co-Chairs to conduct the Preliminary Inquiry, advise the Respondent and the Faculty Member regarding the Policy and accompanying Procedures, provide the Respondent with access to the evidence prior to the Hearing, and to coordinate the Hearing.

10. Deadline is the date by which the Respondent or another individual must respond to a communication in writing; the time period required for a response begins on the next Business Day after the communication is sent and must be received by the Deadline.

11. Decision is the determination of whether the Respondent is responsible for the allegations of Academic Misconduct contained in the Notice and if found responsible, the Sanction(s) to be imposed.

12. Disciplinary Sanction is a corrective measure that may be imposed to deter future violations of the Policy and is included in the Respondent’s disciplinary record.

13. Educational Sanction is a non-disciplinary measure that may be used to assist a Respondent with gaps in knowledge, skills, or abilities and to promote academic integrity, in lieu of or in addition to the issuance of a Disciplinary Sanction and is included in the Respondent’s education record.

14. Faculty Member is the faculty member(s) for the course(s) in which the Academic Misconduct is alleged to have occurred.

15. FERPA is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g and 34 C.F.R. Part 99, as amended from time to time.

16. Hearing is an official meeting that is held to collect facts about the allegations and make a Decision.

17. Hearing Board is the body appointed from the current members of the AIRC to make a Decision and issue Sanction(s) if the Respondent is found responsible for a violation of the Policy.

18. Hearing Officer is one of the members of the Hearing Board selected by the Hearing Board to preside over the Hearing.  The Hearing Officer may not be a student.

19. Hearing Procedure is the Academic Misconduct Hearing Procedure.

20. Interim Measures means any temporary action taken by the College in response to allegations of Academic Misconduct to prevent further acts of Academic Misconduct or other misconduct, harassment, harm, injury or retaliation while an Investigation is pending.

21. Interim Measures Procedure is the Interim Measures for Academic Misconduct Allegations Procedure.

22. Investigation is a process used by the College, following issuance of a Notice, to gather information regarding whether the alleged Academic Misconduct occurred.

23. Member of the College Community is any student, faculty, or staff of the College or visitor on College property or third party with information regarding Academic Misconduct alleged to have occurred in a College course.

24. Notice is the document that is provided to the Respondent, which specifies the allegations of Academic Misconduct, as described more fully below.

25. Preliminary Inquiry means the determination of whether the allegations outlined in a Report should proceed to an Investigation, whether Interim Measures should be issued, and/or whether the alleged misconduct potentially violates another College policy, and if so, how the process for investigation and determination of responsibility will occur.

26. Record is a copy of the recording of the Hearing and any documents and evidence presented at the Hearing.

27. Report is the submission of an allegation(s) of Academic Misconduct that is made to the College.

28. Report Form is a document that is completed by an individual who files a Report, providing information regarding the allegations of Academic Misconduct.

29. Respondent is a Student who has been alleged to have committed Academic Misconduct pursuant to a Notice.

30. Response Form is a document that is submitted by the Respondent, where the Respondent must indicate whether the Respondent admits responsibility or contests the allegations in the Notice and states the reason(s) the Respondent believes the Respondent should not be found responsible for the allegations in the Notice.      

31. Retaliation is intimidating, threatening, coercing, harassing, causing physical harm, or otherwise discriminating against an individual because the individual submits a Report or participates in the Investigation or Decision of a Report, including as a witness or decision maker.

32. Sanction may include Disciplinary and/or Educational Sanctions.

33. Sanction Review is a meeting between the AVPL, College Representative, Respondent, and Faculty Member to discuss the Sanction(s) imposed after an admission of responsibility.

34. Student is any person who is registered for a credit or non-credit course during a current or future term as well as a former student, who was previously enrolled in a credit or non-credit course at the College.

35. Written or in writing means in the form of a letter, document, email or electronic communication or transmission. To the extent that a communication is sent by the College to a Student via email, it will be sent to the Respondent's College-issued email address and may also be sent to the Respondent’s last known address, as reflected in the College’s system of record.

IV.  Reporting

A. Methods to Report

1. A Member of the College Community who has a reasonable suspicion that a Student has committed Academic Misconduct or Retaliation may submit a Report using the online Report Form to the College within a reasonable time of discovery of the alleged Academic Misconduct, typically within ten (10) Business Days. 

2. A Member of the College Community may also provide verbal or written notification to the Faculty Member, Academic Chair, Assistant Dean, Director, or Dean of the school where the Academic Misconduct or Retaliation is alleged to have occurred.  If the information received gives rise to a reasonable suspicion that a Student has committed Academic Misconduct or Retaliation, the recipient of the information may submit a Report Form.

3. The College has the right, at all times, to monitor its information technology resources. Authorized College Employees, responsible for monitoring information technology resources, may submit a Report based on their analysis of data collected.

B. A Report must include a brief narrative of the allegations and may include any documents or evidence that may support the allegations.

V. Preliminary Inquiry

A. The Administrative Assistant or designee will submit the Report to the Co-Chairs to appoint a Coordinator to conduct a Preliminary Inquiry. 

B. The Coordinator may not be currently teaching a class in which the Respondent is enrolled or have another a conflict of interest.

C. The Coordinator may contact the person who submitted the Report, the Faculty Member, or other individuals to obtain more information in order to conduct the Preliminary Inquiry.

1. If the Coordinator determines there is a sufficient factual basis to lead a reasonable person to conclude that a violation of the Policy may have occurred, the Coordinator will prepare and send a Notice to the Respondent, as set forth in the Notice Section below.

a. If a Notice will be prepared, the Coordinator will request that the Administrative Assistant or designee will also contact the Registrar’s Office to place a No Grade designation on the Respondent’s student account for the course(s) in which the Respondent is alleged to have committed Academic Misconduct. 

b. The Respondent will not be permitted to drop or withdraw from any course in which the No Grade designation and hold was placed and will not be permitted to graduate until the allegations are resolved and a final grade is assigned for the course(s).

c. If the Coordinator determines that Interim Measures are appropriate, the Coordinator will impose the Interim Measures in accordance with the Interim Measures Procedure.

2. If the Coordinator determines that there is not a sufficient factual basis to lead a reasonable person to conclude that a violation of the Policy may have occurred, the Coordinator will close the Report in the College’s case management system.

3. If the allegations rise to the level of potentially breaking a law, the Coordinator may consult with General Counsel and/or contact the appropriate authorities to provide information regarding potential criminal activity.

4. Neither the Respondent nor the person who submitted the Report may appeal or grieve the determination to provide the Notice or close the Report at the Preliminary Inquiry stage.

D. Violation of Other College Policies

1. If the Coordinator determines that the Report contains allegations that may constitute a violation(s) of another College policy and the Academic Integrity Policy, the Coordinator will consult with the office(s) responsible for investigating the other policies to determine whether the allegations should be investigated concurrently or consecutively under the policies that may have been violated and will include the process for resolving all allegations in the Notice.

2. The Coordinator may coordinate the collection of evidence with the other office(s) to the extent possible to avoid duplication of effort by the College.

3. The Respondent may not appeal or grieve the process that is used by the College for investigating and deciding a Report.

VI. Notice to the Respondent

A. The Coordinator will complete the Notice Form, including the following:

1. A brief description of the allegations;

2. The Policy section(s) alleged to have been violated;

3. The name and contact information for the Coordinator and a statement that if the Respondent has questions regarding the Policy or the Procedures, the Respondent may contact the Coordinator;

4. A link or copy of the Policy and the Procedures, which include possible Sanctions and any right to appeal;

5. Notice of Interim Measures, if any;

6. A statement prohibiting Retaliation; and

7. The date for the Conference.

B. Notice will be sent within five (5) Business Days of receipt of the Report, unless there is good cause to extend the time to send Notice.

C. If additional allegations against the Respondent emerge while allegations are pending, the allegations will be referred for a Preliminary Inquiry.  If the Coordinator determines that there is a sufficient factual basis to lead a reasonable person to conclude that a violation of the Policy may have occurred, the Coordinator will amend the Notice to include the new allegations if the allegations arise out of the same facts and circumstances or will issue new Notice if the new allegations are not related to the original allegations, and the new allegations will be investigated separately.

VII. Advisor

A. The Respondent may have one (1) Advisor present for support and advice during the Academic Misconduct proceedings, including but not limited to, any Conference, Interview, Sanction Review, Hearing or other meeting with the Respondent related to the allegations of Academic Misconduct.

1. The Advisor may not speak on behalf of the Respondent at any time.

2. The Respondent or Advisor may request to confer in private at the discretion of the Hearing Officer during a Hearing or the College Representative during an interview but cannot confer while a question is pending.

3. The Advisor may be a licensed attorney, at the expense of the Respondent. 

4. The Advisor may not delay or disrupt any proceedings. 

5. If the Advisor does not comply with this Procedure, the Advisor may be asked to leave and if so, will not be permitted to participate further.

6. An Advisor may assist the Respondent in completing the Response Form but may not submit the Response Form on behalf of the Respondent.

B.  If the Respondent has an Advisor present at any proceeding, the Respondent will be required to sign a FERPA release, allowing for the College to disclose information from the Respondent’s education record to the Advisor.

VIII. Conference

A. Subject to availability of the Faculty Member and Coordinator, the Conference will be held within five (5) Business Days of the Notice being sent, unless there is good cause to extend the time to hold the Conference.

B. The Respondent will attend the Conference on the scheduled date, in person, by telephone, or through electronic means. 

1. If the Respondent is unavailable on the Conference date, the Respondent must notify the Coordinator via email at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Conference date and must provide the reasons that the Respondent is not available.

2. If the Coordinator finds there is good cause, the Coordinator may reschedule the Conference date.

C. At the Conference, the Coordinator will explain the Policy and Procedures to the Respondent and answer any questions the Respondent may have. 

D. The Faculty Member will review the allegations in the Notice with the Respondent and will share any initial evidence of which the Faculty Member is aware that supports the allegations with the Respondent. 

E. The Respondent may, but is not required, to respond to the allegations in the Notice at the Conference.

F. If the Coordinator, in consultation with the Faculty Member, determines that there is not sufficient information to proceed to an Investigation, the Coordinator may dismiss the Notice, which will be confirmed in writing to the Respondent and documented in the College’s case management system.

G. Response Form

1. The Coordinator will provide the Respondent with a copy of the Response Form and explain the Respondent’s options.

2. If the Respondent fails to appear for the Conference, the Coordinator will send a copy of the Response Form to the Respondent and provide the Notice to the College Representative to proceed to an Investigation without the Respondent’s participation. 

3. If the Notice is not dismissed, the Respondent must submit the Response Form to the Coordinator within three (3) Business Days of the Conference.

IX. Admission of Responsibility

A. The Respondent may admit responsibility for the allegations in the Notice by selecting that option on the Response Form, including any information to be considered as a factor for sanctioning, as set forth in the Hearing Procedure, and submitting it to the Coordinator. 

B. If the Respondent admits responsibility, the Coordinator will notify the Faculty Member and request that the Faculty Member propose a Sanction(s) from the list of Educational and Disciplinary Sanctions on the Response Form and listed in the Hearing Procedure and provide the reasons for the proposed Sanction(s).

C. The Coordinator will provide the Notice and Response Form to one of the Co-Chairs, who will issue the Sanction(s).

D. The Co-Chair will review the Respondent’s prior Educational and/or Disciplinary Sanctions for Academic Misconduct, which can be considered as an aggravating factor in determining an appropriate Sanction(s).

E. The Co-Chair will consider the proposed Sanction(s), prior record, and the information provided on the Response Form, and determine the Sanction(s) and will send the Respondent a Decision in writing, stating that the Respondent has been found responsible by admission and the Sanction(s) to be imposed.

1. If the Respondent seeks to appeal the Sanction(s), the Respondent must request a Sanction Review in writing to the Coordinator using the Student Sanction Review Request Form within five (5) Business Days of the Decision being sent to the Respondent, stating the reasons for contesting the Sanction(s).

2. If the Respondent does not submit a Student Sanction Review Request Form by the Deadline, the Decision is final and will be placed in the Respondent’s education or disciplinary record, and the appropriate office(s) will be notified to impose the Sanction(s).

F. Sanction Review

1. If the Respondent requests a Sanction Review, the Administrative Assistant or designee will provide a copy of the Notice, Response Form, and Decision to the AVPL and will schedule a Sanction Review, in person, by telephone, or through electronic means, with the Respondent and the Faculty Member.

a. If the Respondent is unavailable on the Sanction Review date, the Respondent must notify the Administrative Assistant or designee via email at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting date and must provide the reasons that the Respondent is not available.

b. If the AVPL finds there is good cause, the AVPL may reschedule the meeting date.

c. If the Respondent fails to appear for the meeting, the AVPL will uphold the Sanction(s) in writing for failure to appear.

2. At the Sanction Review, the Respondent will state the reason(s) the Respondent contests the Sanction(s), and the Faculty Member will state the reason(s) for the Sanction(s).

3. The AVPL will consider the factors for sanctioning and uphold or revise the Sanction(s) in writing by completing the Sanction Review Form within five (5) Business Days of the meeting.

4. No further appeal or grievance of the Sanction(s) is permitted, unless the Sanction imposed is suspension, expulsion, or revocation of a credential.

5. If the Sanction(s) include suspension, expulsion, or revocation of a credential, the Respondent may submit a request for a Hearing to the Coordinator within five (5) Business Days.

a. If the Respondent requests a Hearing by the Deadline, the Coordinator will schedule a Hearing.

b. If the Respondent does not submit a request for a Hearing by the Deadline, the Decision is final and will be placed in the Respondent’s education or disciplinary record, and the appropriate office(s) will be notified to impose the Sanction(s) and remove the No Grade designation on the Respondent’s account, if appropriate.

X. Contesting Responsibility

A. The Respondent may contest responsibility for the allegations in the Notice by selecting that option on the Response Form, stating the reason(s) the Respondent should not be found responsible for the allegations, and submitting the Response Form to the Coordinator.

1. The Respondent may include a list of any individuals the Respondent believes has information that may be relevant to allegations along with a description of the information those individuals may have to share in the Response Form. 

2. The Respondent may attach any documents or evidence the Respondent believes are relevant to the allegations. 

B. If the Respondent contests responsibility or fails to submit a Response Form by the Deadline, the Coordinator or designee will provide a copy of the Notice and Response Form to the College Representative to conduct an Investigation.  If the Respondent fails to submit a Response Form by the Deadline, the Investigation may proceed without the Respondent’s participation unless the Respondent contacts the Coordinator.

1. The Coordinator or designee will provide the College Representative’s name and email address to the Respondent in writing.

2. If the Respondent objects to the College Representative, the Respondent must follow the procedures in the Objection Section below.

XI. Investigation

A. If the Respondent contests responsibility or fails to submit a Response Form, the College Representative will conduct an Investigation by requesting information from witnesses and gathering evidence.

1. The College Representative may request information from individuals the College Representative believes may have relevant information or evidence regarding the allegations in the Notice, which may include but is not limited to the individual who submitted the Report, the Faculty Member, the Respondent, authors of relevant documents, person(s) identified in the Response Form, and any other person who may have information regarding the allegations.

2. The College Representative may gather evidence that the College Representative believes may be relevant to the allegations in the Notice, including but not limited to: documents, data, information generated by computing resources, education records, communications (e.g. emails, text messages, letters, etc.), and physical evidence (e.g. photographs, screen shots, etc.), by requesting the information be provided by an individual, by accessing the College’s information systems, or through any other appropriate means.

B. Requests for Information

1. The College Representative may request information in writing, in person, by telephone, by videoconference, or by other electronics means, as the College Representative deems appropriate.

2. The College Representative may set a reasonable Deadline for the individual’s response to a request for information.

3.  If an individual responds to a request for information after the Deadline but before the Investigation closes, the College Representative may consider the response.

C. Interviews

1. The College Representative may request to interview the Faculty Member, Respondent, or any other witness in person, by telephone, by videoconference, or other electronic means.  Interviews are not recorded.

2. If the Respondent fails to respond to a request for an interview from the College Representative by the Deadline, the Investigation will continue without the Respondent's participation unless the Respondent can show a good cause for failing to respond, as determined by the College Representative.

D. The Investigation will be completed within ten (10) Business Days of the Notice being sent to the College Representative, unless the College Representative provides notice in writing to the Respondent and the Faculty Member that the Deadline to complete the Investigation will be extended, the reason(s) for the extension, and an estimate for when the Investigation will be completed.

E. At the conclusion of the Investigation, the College Representative will notify the Co-Chairs to appoint the members of a Hearing Board.

F. Access to Evidence

1. At the conclusion of the Investigation and no less than three (3) Business Days before the Hearing, the College Representative will:

a. Provide to the Respondent a written list of witnesses that the College Representative intends to call on behalf of the College at the Hearing and a short summary of the likely testimony for each witness; and

b. Arrange a time for the College Representative to provide the Respondent with supervised access to any documents and other evidence gathered during the Investigation, which can be provided in person or through electronic means.

i. Copies will not be provided via email.

ii. The Respondent may have an Advisor present when the Respondent is given supervised access to the documents and evidence but will not be permitted to make copies.

2. No less than two (2) Business Days before the Hearing, the Respondent will provide the College Representative with a written list of witnesses that the Respondent intends to call at the Hearing, a short summary of the likely testimony for each witness, and a list of documents or other evidence the Respondent plans to present during the Hearing.

3. At least one (1) Business Day before the Hearing, the College Representative will submit the Hearing Form to the Faculty Member and the Hearing Board, which will include a list of the witnesses and evidence to be presented by the College Representative and the Respondent and copies of the evidence to be presented. 

4. If the Respondent did not submit a witness and evidence list to the College Representative by the Deadline, the College Representative will inform the Hearing Board and the Respondent will not be able to present witnesses or evidence that were not disclosed prior to the Hearing.

5. Character witnesses, who did not personally observe or have information relevant to the allegations in the Notice, will not be permitted to testify at the Hearing and may be excluded by the Hearing Board.

XII. Opportunity to Be Heard

A. Hearing Board

1. After the Investigation is complete, the Co-Chairs will appoint three (3) of AIRC members to serve on the Hearing Board. 

a. One (1) member of the Hearing Board will be a student who is a member of AIRC.

b. The College Representative, the Coordinator, and the Faculty Member may not be appointed to serve on the Hearing Board.

2. The Hearing Board will select one of its members to serve as the Hearing Officer, who will preside over the Hearing.

B. The Administrative Assistant or designee will send the date, time, and location of the Hearing and the names of the Hearing Board members to the Respondent, the College Representative, and the Faculty Member in writing.

C. If, at any time prior to the Hearing, the Respondent would like to admit responsibility, the Respondent may submit a revised Response Form to the College Representative, and the College Representative will refer the case to the Coordinator to render a Sanction(s) in accordance with the Admission of Responsibility Section.

D. Objections

1. If the Respondent objects to the assigned College Representative or member of the Hearing Board based on a perception of bias against the Respondent, the Respondent may submit an objection in writing to the Coordinator or designee, including the reason(s) the Respondent believes the College Representative or Hearing Board member is biased.

a. Knowledge of the allegations or the facts or a prior allegation of misconduct is not a sufficient basis to establish bias.

b. A College Representative or Hearing Board member may recuse themselves if appropriate to do so.

c. A College Representative or Hearing Board member may not conduct an Investigation or Hearing or render a Decision if the College Representative or Hearing Board member is a faculty member for a class in which the Respondent is currently or had previously enrolled or is the Respondent’s academic advisor.

2. The objection will be evaluated by the Co-Chairs who will determine whether there is sufficient information to show bias or an inability to be impartial in considering the allegations and if so, will appoint another College Representative or Hearing Board member.

a. If one of the Co-Chairs is the subject of the objection, the other Co-Chair will make the determination regarding the objection.

b. The decision regarding the objection is final and cannot be appealed or grieved.

E. Hearing

1. The Hearing Board will conduct the Hearing, make a Decision, and if the Respondent is found responsible, will determine the Sanction(s) in accordance with the Hearing Procedure. 

2. The Hearing Board will provide a Decision in writing to the Respondent, the College Representative, and the Faculty Member in accordance with the Hearing Procedure.

3. If found responsible, the appropriate office(s) will be notified of the Decision to impose the Sanction(s) and remove any No Grade designation and holds or placeholders on the Respondent’s student account, if appropriate.

a. If the Respondent receives a Sanction of an “F” in a course(s), the Respondent will no longer be able to attend or participate in the course(s) in which the Respondent was found responsible for Academic Misconduct.

b. If the Respondent is suspended or is expelled, the Respondent will receive a grade of F in the course(s) in which the Academic Misconduct was found and will be withdrawn from all other course(s) in which the Respondent was enrolled at the time the Decision was made.

c. A Respondent who receives a Sanction(s) will not receive a refund for any course impacted by a Sanction(s) and is still financially responsible for payment of all tuition and fees related to the course(s). 

4. Disciplinary Record

a. The Administrative Assistant or designee will maintain any Educational Sanctions issued in the College’s case management system and not as part of the Respondent’s disciplinary record.  Educational Sanction can be considered as an aggravating factor if the Respondent is found responsible for subsequent Academic Misconduct.

b. All Disciplinary Sanctions will be noted in the Respondent’s disciplinary record. 

c. If a Respondent completes the terms of Probation, the Probation sanction will remain part of the Respondent’s disciplinary record and may be considered as an aggravating factor if the Respondent is found responsible for subsequent misconduct.

XIII. The Record

A. These Procedures are administrative in nature and are not considered legal proceedings.

B. The Administrative Assistant or designee will maintain the Record for each Hearing, as well as all Reports, Interim Measures, Notices, Response Forms, Decisions, appeal records, and relevant correspondence with the Respondent related to the allegations in accordance with the College’s document retention schedules.

C. Allegations closed by means of a Preliminary Inquiry are not part of the Student’s education or disciplinary record.

D. FERPA is a federal privacy law that prohibits disclosure of student education records, including but not limited to student disciplinary records, absent a student’s consent or other legal basis for disclosure.

E. Access to the Record

1. After a Decision has been sent to the Respondent, the Respondent may request access to the Record by submitting a written request to the Administrative Assistant or designee.

2. The Administrative Assistant or designee will arrange to provide supervised access to the Record, in person or through electronic means. 

3. Access to the Record will not be provided prior to a Decision being sent to the Respondent.

4. The Respondent may bring an Advisor when reviewing the Record.

5. To maintain the confidentiality of the proceedings, a copy of the Record will not be provided, unless required by legal process, and the Respondent and the Advisor will not be permitted to make a copy.  The Respondent may take notes regarding the content of the Record.

6. The Administrative Assistant or designee will arrange for a College employee to be present when access to the Record is granted to ensure confidentiality.

7. The Respondent may notify the Administrative Assistant or designee in writing if the Respondent believes there are inaccuracies or information missing from the Record.

a. Upon receipt of an objection to the Record, the Administrative Assistant or designee will consult with the Co-Chairs regarding the basis for the objection.

b. The Co-Chairs will review the objection and determine whether changes to the Record are necessary and if so, will instruct the Administrative Assistant or designee regarding any corrections that should be made.

c. The Administrative Assistant or designee will notify the Respondent in writing regarding the decision on the objection and what corrections, if any, were made.

XIV. Appeals

The Respondent may appeal the Decision and/or Disciplinary Sanction(s) in accordance with the Academic Misconduct Appeal Procedure.

XV. Expungement

A Respondent found responsible for Academic Misconduct may seek to expunge the Respondent’s disciplinary record in accordance with the Expungement of Academic Misconduct Record Procedure.

Procedure Title: Resolving Academic Misconduct Allegations Procedure

Policy Category: Academic Affairs

Policy Owner: Provost/Vice President of Learning

Policy Administrator: Associate Vice President of Learning and Academic Affairs

Contact Information: Dr. Tina Smith;; 410-777-2776

Approval Date: May 24, 2023

Effective Date: Aug. 26, 2023

History: Replacing Academic Integrity Procedures

Applies to: All College students and former students

Related Policies: Academic Integrity Policy

Related Procedures:


Relevant Laws: N/A